Vickie Lailer

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Vickie Lailer

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When I see people suffering with pain, bloating, and low energy, I think: “OMG, people have no idea how great they can feel.” I’ve always been concerned with nutrition, exercise, and being healthy. I completed many marathons; believing carb loading before and after my training runs was best practice. This left me feeling depleted and a victim of gastrointestinal distress while running.

At 51, I had an automobile accident which left me unable to workout and in a lot of pain. I began reading "The Primal Blueprint" and made the decision to go primal which changed my life dramatically. In addition to relief from pain and inflammation, I lost weight and body fat. I feel passionately compelled to share this knowledge with others.

Anti-aging, Fat loss, Health mindset, Intermittent fasting, Lifestyle change
PCHI Graduate, Registered Yoga Instructor
147 Lovejoy Road
Salem Twp
United States

Certified Primal Health Coach